According to figures published by the banana exporters' association Assobacam, in September 2019, the two banana exporters still operating in Cameroon exported 18,309 tons of banana. Compared with the 14,455 tons exported during the same period in 2018, this represents a 3,854 tons increase. It was mainly boosted by PHP’s shipments.
Indeed, during the period under review, PHP, the local subsidiary of French group Compagnie fruitière de Marseille, exported 16,667 tons of banana while a year ago, it exported 13,383 tons.
The second exporter, Boh Plantations, also recorded an increase in its year over year banana exports (up from 1,027 tons in September 2018 to 1,642 tons a year later).
Had Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC) been operational, Cameroon’s banana exports could have been much higher. For close to a year now, affected by the socio-political crisis affecting the anglophone regions, the state-owned agribusiness group has vanished from the country’s banana exporters’ registry.