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Over 22,000 tons of agri products exported from Alborz province in last seven months

Zoom in font  Zoom out font Published: 2023-01-10  Origin: tehrantimes.com
Core Tip: More than 22,000 tons of agricultural products were exported from Alborz province in the first seven months of the current Iranian calendar year (March 21-October 22, 2022).
More than 22,000 tons of agricultural products were exported from Alborz province in the first seven months of the current Iranian calendar year (March 21-October 22, 2022).

According to Alireza Badri, the director of plant protection of the province’s Agriculture Department, 1,725 containers of cargo containing 22,126 tons of agricultural products such as lettuce, cabbage, bell pepper, celery, eggplant, nectarine, watermelon, cherry, sour cherry, dates, dried fruits, etc. were exported. Among the destinations were the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Germany, Canada, Australia, Sweden, Britain, Belgium, United Arab Emirates, and Belarus.
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