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Melissa's Produce promotes healthy, convenience food products

Zoom in font  Zoom out font Published: 2013-11-12  Views: 36
Core Tip: Melissa's Produce used last month's PMA Fresh Summit to highlight some of their conveniently-packaged food items.
Melissa's Produce, a leading American distributor of speciality fresh produce and foods processed from fresh produce, used last month's PMA Fresh Summit to highlight some of their conveniently-packaged food items.

Robert Schueller, of Melissa's Produce, promoted the health benefits of their Shirataki Noodles, which are available in spaghetti and fettuccine varieties. He pointed to the all-natural, no-fat, calorie-free, gluten-free and soy-free nature of the noodles. While they have plenty of soluble fiber, calcium and iron, the Shirataki Noodles lack the drawbacks of conventional noodles because they're made from the root of the yam-like konnyaku plant. Though they can be used in much the same way as regular noodles, Schueller noted that the Shirataki Noodles are a healthier alternative to carbohydrate-heavy pasta.

Also available are Melissa's Roasted Baby Dutch Potatoes. The potatoes are a combination of Melissa's Baby Dutch Yellow and Ruby Gold potatoes. They're packaged in convenient 12-ounce microwaveable bowls, so they're ready to heat as soon as they're purchased. Another equally-convenient product from Melissa's is their Cleaned and Sliced Leeks. The idea behind that product is to make it easy for consumers by cutting the edible parts of leeks and packaging them in such a way that they're immediately ready to use.

“Leeks in the U.S. have been misunderstood by most people,” said Schueller. “People lack the education on how to prepare leeks, on what part is actually edible and how to thoroughly clean them to get rid of the sandy loam soil that grows between stalks.” For that reason, Melissa's product makes the leeks, which are related to onions and garlic, easy for consumers to use.

Another leek variant that's available from Melissa's is the Belgian style leek. Resembling a giant green onion, the Belgian style leeks are different than the typical leeks that are more commonly found in the marketplace. These leeks have a more refined sweetness and onion-garlic flavor profile, and they come in a three-count pack with the whole stalk and greens attached and in a pack containing two trimmed leeks.


Rounding out Melissa's conveniently-packaged offerings are Melissa's Spicy Edamame. The savory snack seasoned with sesame, soy sauce, salt, ginger and Togarashi seasoning are available in a seven-ounce package.

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