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Dutch carrots destined for neighboring countries again

Zoom in font  Zoom out font Published: 2018-10-30
Core Tip: For years, Dutch carrot farmers have been asking themselves who they are growing carrots for.
For years, Dutch carrot farmers have been asking themselves who they are growing carrots for. That changed this year. "Countries that the Netherlands used to always exported to, have, in recent years, been talking a lot about regionality and self-sufficiency. However, after this past hot, dry summer, these countries were not able to meet their own needs", says Kees Heegsma of the Dutch vegetable trading company with the same name.
"There is a broad demand from Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom, France, Scandinavia, and even Eastern Europe. When everything grows the way it is supposed to, there are few opportunities for the Netherlands. However, when cultivation does not go to plan, there are again plenty of possibilities for sales to our neighbors", he says.

There are fewer carrots in the Netherlands' neighboring countries. This, however, is also the case in the Netherlands itself where all the crops did not grow as planned. "I estimate there is about 10-20% less availability than expected. Yields in Germany and Belgium are, however, even lower. There it is an estimated 20-30% lower. That means the Netherlands is in an even better position. The Netherlands has a lot of water, which was also beneficial. Growers in a large part of the Netherlands were able to irrigate their fields."

Although it is the just about the end of the carrots growing season now, irrigation is not over. The soil is too dry for grubbing, so farmers have to keep irrigating. In some areas, mainly in the polders, grubbing is possible. Here, the farmers are hard at work at this. What they are pulling out of the ground, looks very good.

"They are good, nice-looking products. The dry weather was beneficial in that it had a favorable influence on storage carrots. In wet years, we often see problems arise", explains Kees. Some of these carrots are to be stored. However, considering the demand, a portion of the yields are also being sold straight from the field. Considering the broad demand, prices are favorable. "For passable carrots straight from the field, prices are at around EUR0,24. This is in comparison to EUR0,10 on average years", he says.

Zeeland and Groningen are areas with little (suitable) water. Here, there are also a lot of storage carrots. Farmers are waiting for it to start raining. "Prospects seem a bit better at the moment, but seeing is believing. We are hoping the cold nights will stay away for now. This summer, the Netherlands seemed to have a continental climate. Hopefully, the corresponding severe winter will only set in after it has rained enough", concludes Kees.


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