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Great divergence in product varieties and production areas in the Chinese pepper market this product

Zoom in font  Zoom out font Published: 2018-10-31
Core Tip: This year's chili pepper purchase season officially began in late July and lasted until the middle of October.
"This year's chili pepper purchase season officially began in late July and lasted until the middle of October. There is a great divergence in the pepper market this year when it comes to production volumes and market prices." This is according to He Yan of Shaanxi Yahu Foodstuffs Co., Ltd.

"As for the production volumes this year, the average production volumes of red chili peppers, Cayenne peppers, and straight peppers all decreased in comparison to the same period last year. The production volume of straight peppers decreased by around 15%-20%. The main reason for this development is the low market price of straight peppers in 2017, which greatly reduced the enthusiasm of pepper farmers for this pepper variety. The overall surface area devoted to straight pepper plantation greatly decreased as a result. Take the overall surface area devoted to straight pepper plantation in Shanxi for example, it decreased by 20%."

"Other pepper varieties, however, showed an increased production volume. The production volume of Chaotian peppers increased by around 5%, while the production volume of small peppers from production areas in Yunnan and Guizhou increased by around 10% because of relatively good market conditions last year and excellent weather conditions this production season."

"The prices of straight peppers and Cayenne peppers increased by around 30%-40% and 30% respectively. This development is the result of fluctuations in supply volumes. The price of small peppers decreased by 10%-15% in comparison with the same period last year. The price of Chaotian peppers remains stable at the same level as last year."

"Our company mainly deals in straight peppers, chili pepper powder, dried peppers, and other pepper related products. We purchase raw material from pepper farms in Shanxi, Liaoning, Jilin, Shandong, and Inner Mongolia. Our company owns around 67 hectares of pepper farms. We currently sell our products through traditional marketing channels as well as e-commerce platforms under our own registered brand 'Yahu'. We mainly sell our products to wholesale markets and supermarkets in first and second tier cities."


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