"This is the slow season for exports of Chinese ginger, so the stock of ginger is rather large. From September onwards, the export season will start. When it comes to the domestic market, the ginger price is rather stable," according to Jason from Tailai Foods.
"The domestic price of ginger appears to change gradually. This year, after the price dropped slightly between January and March, from the end of March until the beginning of April it bounced back up. From halfway through April until now it has kept stable. Looking at the export market, because of the large stock of ginger, the customer has a lot of room to choose. Many export companies start a price war to attract new customers, which disturbs the export market."
"It is hard to predict how the ginger export price will develop this year. Compared to the high prices of 2011-2014, over the past two years the ginger price definitely has not been unsatisfactory. This is caused by many factors outside of the market environment, namely changes in costs, such as costs of raw materials and personnel."