The price of tomatoes in the Wanbang Market continued last week's downward trend. The main reason for this development is excessive supply, which greatly exceeds demand. The price of tomatoes from Inner Mongolia is relatively high, because the product quality is high. Their market price is 6.6 yuan [0.95 USD] per kg. Tomatoes from Xinxiang come in second at 5 yuan [0.72 USD] per kg, while the tomatoes from Gansu are in the last stage of their supply period, which means that quality is down, and so is the price at 3 yuan [0.43 USD] per kg.
The tomatoes from Inner Mongolia are produced in greenhouses, which means that the cost price is relatively high, but so is the product quality. The price is therefore high. The tomatoes from Xinxiang and Gansu are open-field tomatoes. The cost price is lower, but so is the quality. The price is therefore lower. The last stage of tomato supply from Gansu, with poor-quality cheap tomatoes, also lowers the overall tomato price in the market.