The fresh ginger market prospects for 2019 look good, based on current market conditions. The current price is around 2.6 yuan [0.39 USD] per 0.5 kg. The price for top-quality fresh ginger can even exceed 3 yuan [0.45 USD] per 0.5 kg. How will this price develop in 2019? Will the price increase?
First, the current price of fresh ginger is quite stable, and demand exceeds supply as farmers are hesitant to sell.
Second, the demand for fresh ginger increases daily. Fresh ginger is rich in nutrients and has many culinary applications. As the economy grows, so does the demand for fresh ginger. People have more disposable income to spend on top-quality, healthy food products.
In sum, the market conditions so far are excellent. The price is likely to increase even further. The average price could reach 3 yuan [0.45 USD] per 0.5 kg. There is still room for a 10%-20% price increase. Farmers are still hesitant to sell ginger from storage. They keep a close eye on the price of ginger and reluctantly sell, which keeps the supply volume limited and the price stable.