The Government’s recently announced Sector Deal for Tourism will “greatly boost pubs, brewers and hospitality”, according to the British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA).
Pubs are third on the list of things to do for overseas visitors to the UK and over half visit a pub whilst they are here.
Ensuring Britain’s tourism offer remains competitive through a sector deal is therefore good news for pubs, the hospitality sector and those brewers located in tourist hotspots, says BBPA.
It shows that tourism, as the third largest service sector, ranks alongside manufacturing and technology as being vital to the future of the UK.
As the UK prepares to leave the EU, BBPA says it’s “imperative” that UK nationals see working in a pub, brewery and the wider hospitality sector as an appealing career option.
Recruitment and retention are vital when, as it stands, BBPA data suggests that 24% of pub employees come from overseas, rising to over 80% in metropolitan areas.
The BBPA believes the Sector Deal for Tourism will boost recruitment by promoting important tourism careers like those in pubs and hospitality through enhanced apprenticeship schemes and additional funding for staff training.
Other key parts of the sector deal will be Tourism Zones, events to attract businesses to the UK, infrastructure support (including broadband), accessibility investment and shared tourism data.
All of the above has been welcomed by the BBPA, whose members continue to invest in their pubs, pub bedrooms and hotels, which are essential to the tourism industry.