The ribbed and smooth types have reached 1 Euro per kilo, with an increase of over 20 cents. Vine tomatoes stand at 0.80 Euro and Long-life and Pear prices have increased to approximately 0.65 Euro per kilo.
Besides product shortages, reduced competition from other markets, such as Morocco, is also noticeable. According to a report from the Council of Agriculture, Fisheries and Environment corresponding to the week between 4 and 10 March, despite the fact that Morocco exported more tomatoes to the EU than in the same period of 2012, prices remained above the minimum agreed in the Partnership Agreement. Moroccan tomatoes were consequently sold at 0.50 to 0.65 Euro per kilo.
According to the report, "the EU received a total of 12,809 tonnes of Moroccan tomatoes, 50% more than in the previous week." Over the first 10 days of March, the total volume exported to the EU amounted to 14,738 tonnes, 37% of the total for the same month.
Regarding tomato prices in the province, Francisco Vargas, President of Asaja-Almeria, warns that, "they are short of a few cents for them to be considered acceptable." As for Morocco's competition, Vargas stated that, "since the latest infringement of the protocol was reported a month ago, border controls have been intensified and the Agreement is currently being adhered to."
However, courgette prices continue, "at rock-bottom levels", as Vargas describes it. In this case, the protocol is not being respected, as the price for the Moroccan product entering the EU is set below the legal minimum. "Morocco has increased its acreage and product demand is still the same," affirms Vargas.