More than 100 billion dollars in fresh fruit and vegetables was handled internationally in 2013. 68 billion was traded in fruits and 35.5 billion dollars was traded in fresh vegetables worldwide. World trade in fresh fruit is still increasing. This applies both to the value as for the quantity that is internationally traded. World trade in fresh vegetables has stabilised. Compared to 2011 the same amount of trade was done as last year. 2011 was the peak year when comparing in quantity.
Netherlands main exporter in vegetables
The Netherlands' share in the world trade of fresh vegetables is a small 16%. This has been like this for years. In the trade of fresh fruit this share has been fluctuating around 6% for the last few years. Last year this share was a fraction higher than in previous years.
The main fruit products traded globally are bananas, apples and oranges. When it comes to fresh vegetables, onions are number one, followed by tomatoes, peppers, carrots and cucumbers.
Fruit importers, in the USA, Russia, Germany, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands are the top 5 in both value and quantity. The main vegetable importers when it comes to value are: USA, Germany, UK, France and Russia. When it comes to quantity, Russia is higher on the list. The Netherlands is in both value and quantity the world's 7th importer of fresh vegetables.