The import from oversees dominated the trade: Brazil, Peru and South Africa were the main suppliers of Thompson Seedless, Crimson Seedless and Prime Seedless. Brazil supplied furthermore Arra 15 and Timco which sold for 17 Euros per 4.5 kg box. Early Sweet, Prime Seedless and Flame Seedless came from Namibia. The European batches played a smaller role. The Italian Italia grape and Crimson Seedless as well as the Spanish Aledo were barely available and sold quickly if they were available. The Spanish Dominga a seeded grape variety, sold in Frankfurt for 16 Euros per 6 kg. The Thompson Seedless from Greece and the Turkish Sultana were only sporadically available. Overall was the demand lower than the supply and traders were forced to lower their prices. That was especially the case for grapes of lower quality that now and then reached the market in Hamburg.
Germany dominated the trade with a wide range of varieties. The supply was sufficient to meet the constant demand with out problems.
The Italian Abate Fetel and Santa Maria are at the top of the supply. The quality was often convincing so customers bought the fruit with enthusiasm.
The supply barely changed and was sufficient to meet the steady demand. The prices barely changed.
The Spanish Navelina oranges dominate the trade and increased supplies of Spanish Salustiana and Turkish Washington Navel completed the range.
Small citrus fruit
The presence the dominant Spanish clementines grew. The interest improved, but quite late in the week.
The main trade was with the Spanish Primofiori. The Turkish lemons increased in supply and in Cologne the Italian lemons and in Frankfurt the Greek lemons completed the range.
The sales of bananas was quiet, and the availability matched the demand. As a consequence the prices stayed at a constant level.
The dominant French cauliflowers were confronted with an increasing competition from Italy. However this didn’t increase the pressure.
Iceberg salad only came from Spain. The size of the supplies differed greatly. This caused the prices to fluctuated within a fairly wide margin.
The trade of cucumbers was dominated by Spanish imports. The trade at the beginning of the week was troubled by the surplus of the previous week, which often suffered from quality problems.
The standard tomatoes and vine tomatoes from Spain and the Netherlands dominated the market. The supply wasn’t very abundant. Especially the supply from the Mediterranean decreased.
Sweet peppers
The Spanish supply dominated the trade in all the color varieties. Compared to week 50 the supply barely changed.
The onions exclusively came from Spain, and the supply still isn’t sufficient to fulfill the demand. The demand continued to increase.