Yesterday was the day of Cinco de Mayo, a big celebration of Mexicans in the United states. It’s to celebrate that the Mexican army beat the French during the Battle of Puebla in 1862. However, this celebration is more popular in the US market than in Mexico itself.
Malú González from Berries Paradise, located in Guadalajara in Mexico confirms this statement. “It’s a big celebration in the US market, but in Mexico it’s a day like any other. The celebration started by Mexicans living in the States and is promoted for commercial interests for example. In Mexico we celebrate the 16th of September, which is the day Mexico got their independence from Spain in the year 1810. The day is known as the ending of the “New Spain”, to become our beautiful and beloved Mexico.”
She also explains that a celebration like this doesn’t automatically increase the sales of berries for the company. “There isn’t a particular increase in consumption of berries during these celebrations, since berries aren’t a typical ingredient of Mexican dishes, like for example avocado, chilli peppers, tomatoes and onions. I can imagine it’s different for these types of products.”
On the contrary, The celebration of Cinco de mayo in the US market has a huge impact on for example the avocado industry. The California Avocado Commission forecasts about 81 million pounds of avocados being consumed during the Cinco de Mayo festivities this year. They also mention that it might even be for more than just the Super Bowl. Jan DeLyser, vice president of marketing for the commission, mentions in the press release that Mother´s day is shortly after Cinco de Mayo. The commission encourages retailers to make the bridge in order to merchandise both ripe and breaking avocados to capitalize on demand for multiple occasions.