To certify the production of this crop, the sanitary authority inspected the production sites and executed random sampling of fruits (which depended on the volume shipped) to rule out the presence of quarantine pests in these shipments.
According to a work plan established between the authorities of the United States and Peru, fig exports to this country are subjected to an irradiation treatment (at the country of destination) to mitigate the risk associated with quarantine pests.
Peruvian vegetable exports have grown exponentially thanks to the improvements in technology and management, and the actions applied by Senasa to maintain the crop's phytosanitary conditions and promote access to new international markets.
With a planting density of 1,200 plants per hectare, the main fig production sites are located in the sector of La Carbonera and the Nepeña Valley, in the province of Santa.
In 2016, Peru exported 18,140 kilos of fig. As such, the export volume achieved in 2018 is encouraging for producers, especially when one takes into account that the plants performance increases year after year and that there already are over 130 hectares of this crop installed.