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Ninh Thuan Shrimp Seed Production Up 67 Per Cent

Zoom in font  Zoom out font Published: 2014-08-05  Views: 10
Core Tip: So far this year, Ninh Thuan province has stocked four per cent more shrimp this year on an area of 712 hectares.
So far this year, Shrimp Seed Ninh Thuan province has stocked four per cent more shrimp this year on an area of 712 hectares.

The figure includes 672 hectares of whiteleg shrimp and 40 hectares of black tiger shrimp, according to provincial Sub-Department of Aquaculture.

Through June 2014, the province harvested 10 MT of black tiger shrimp and 3,086 MT of whiteleg shrimp. Local farmers applied whiteleg shrimp farming models such as biofloc to prevent EMS on their farms, reports VASEP.

The locality has 430 shrimp seed producing facilities, including 200 whiteleg shrimp seed producers and 230 black tiger shrimp seed ones.

Through June 2014, the province produced 15.6 billion shrimp seeds, completing 78 per cent of its yearly plan and up 67 per cent year on year.

The figure included 3.2 billion of black tiger shrimp seeds and 12.4 billion of whiteleg shrimp seeds.

The local shrimp sector is expected to exceed the 2014 target with 8,250 MT of commercial shrimp and 19.5 billion of shrimp seeds.

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